Center for High Assurance Computing Systems (CHACS) Publications


Gray, James ``Information Sharing in Secure Systems,'' Proc. IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop III, IEEE Press, 1990.

Gray, James ``Probabilistic Interference,'' Proc. 1990 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE Press, 1990.

McLean, J. ``The Specification and Modeling of Computer Security,'' Computer, vol. 23, no. 1, Jan. 1990. PostScript

McLean, J. ``Security Models and Information Flow,'' Proceedings of 1990 IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, IEEE Press, 1990. (IEEE Computer Society Outstanding Paper Award) PostScript

Moskowitz, Ira ``Quotient States and Probabilistic Channels,'' Proc. IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop III, IEEE Press, 1990.

Paul Syverson, A Logic for the Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols NRL Formal Report 9305, December 1990

A corrected version of the logic and semantics from "Formal Semantics for Logics of Cryptographic Protocols" is presented. Also presented are soundness and completeness proofs for the logic.
Paul Syverson, ``Formal Semantics for Logics of Cryptographic Protocols,'' Proceedings of the Computer Security Foundations Workshop III Franconia, NH June 1990. IEEE CS Press (Los Alamitos CA, 1990)
A first order, epistemic logic for representing and analyzing cryptographic protocols is presented along with an associated model-theoretic semantics. The formal language presented has distinct means to represent knowledge of an individual word, e.g., the ability to recognize or produce a decryption key, and propositional knowledge. A sample analysis of a protocol is given.